Substrate and fertilizer

These are pictures of our products we either offered in the past, or are offering now. The pictures are just examples and may vary in shape, color and size. If you dont want to miss any inventory updates, follow us on facebook.


200g Osmocote (15+9+12+2MgO) slow release fertilizer. Suitable for fertilizing with every repotting. Depending on the substrate mass, add one or more balls. With Nepenthes, a ball can also be placed in (newly opened) pitchers.


Perlite is used to loosen up the plant substrate. Ideally suited to be added to the substrate for carnivores. 5 liter volume per package.

Sphagnum moss

Living Sphagnum Moss packed in a plastic jar of 500 ml. Since this is a natural product, twigs, leaves, etc. may be included. Particularly suitable for use as a substrate for Nepenthes, as it ensures good water supply, high humidity around the plant and at the same time good aeration of the substrate.